ED medication, prescribed online

  • 2,000,000+ members treated

  • Discreet drops, gummies or pills

  • 100% online, delivered to your door

Have better sex with fast-acting, long-lasting
Ro Sparks

Exclusive ED treatment options, only at Ro

Get hard when the mood strikes with faster-acting, long-lasting treatments.

Traditional ED meds available through Ro

Up to 95% off with generics

Meet the men who conquered ED with Ro

These Ro members received their treatment at no cost in exchange for their testimonials.

100% online, 100% convenient

Backed by the country’s leading health experts

Ro's world-leading experts enable us to deliver high-quality healthcare at scale. Their combined clinical expertise guides innovative treatment plans and care delivery that make it easier for millions of patients achieve their health goals.

  • Board-certified
    20+ years experience in speciality medicine

  • Industry innovations
    100s of published studies in top medical journeys

  • Policy leaders
    Former Surgeon General and Head of the DEA