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Oral Minoxidil, Delivered to Your Door

Treat hair loss with convenient, once-a-day tablets, if prescribed

  • Prescribed to promote visibly thicker hair

  • Convenient once daily pill

  • Free online visit and follow-ups

  • Start seeing results in 3-6 months

Oral minoxidil may cause serious side effects that impact the heart, including pericardial effusion and tamponade. When tested on animals, minoxidil caused lesions of the heart as well as other adverse heart effects. See important safety info & warnings. Oral minoxidil is an off-label treatment for men’s hair loss Healthcare providers have the discretion to prescribe medications off-label if they believe it is an appropriate course of treatment for a particular patient. Learn more about off-label treatment.

of clinical trial participants in a study exploring oral minoxidil saw elongation, thickening and enhanced pigmentation of their hair.

In clinical trials studying higher doses of oral minoxidil for high blood pressure, patients noticed an unexpected effect: hair growth. Oral minoxidil is FDA-approved at higher doses to treat high blood pressure, but because of those clinical trials, doctors began prescribing low-dose oral minoxidil tablets off-label as a convenient, once-a-day hair loss treatment.

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