Coaching & Curriculum

📚 Curriculum

Aside from your GLP-1 medication, you’ll also receive a robust, evidence-based educational curriculum to support you throughout the program—and beyond.

The tools you’ll learn from the curriculum form the foundation of your Body Program experience. These lessons introduce everything from our Choose More, Choose Less nutrition guidance to the four pillars of the Body Program: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Mindset/Mental Health. You’ll learn how to set SMART goals throughout your journey, building upon past successes and crafting new goals as you go. The concepts you learn in the curriculum will influence the conversations you have with your coach throughout the program.

You’ll receive a new curriculum lesson each week for the first 22 weeks, after which the lessons will arrive biweekly.

The curriculum draws from current research and insights in nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and mindset/mental health to develop an educational program to help you build impactful, lifelong skills.

What’s more, whenever appropriate, each lesson includes links to the clinical trials and scientific papers upon which it is based—letting you dig deeper into the research if you wish.

Common Questions

You can find your curriculum hub here. You’ll receive an email and/or a text message or other notification as new lessons are unlocked throughout your journey.