Natural alternatives to Viagra: do herbal treatments work?

5 min read

Written by: 

Michael Martin

Reviewed by: 

Peter Schlegel, MD, FACS


Raagini Yedidi, MD

Updated:  Oct 14, 2024

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Reviewed By

Peter Schlegel, MD, FACS

Peter Schlegel, MD, FACS, is a Ro Advisor, board-certified urologist, and male fertility expert.

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If you’ve ever visited a gas station, you’ve likely seen a product or two offering “male enhancement” at the checkout counter. Pills like these are marketed as natural, no-prescription-necessary alternatives to treating erectile dysfunction (ED). But do they work?

When it comes to gas station pills, the answer is probably no. However, if you’re looking for natural alternatives to Viagra, some supplements may improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction. More research is needed, and nothing works as well as prescription medications like Viagra or Cialis, but natural alternatives to Viagra including red ginseng, yohimbe, and more could potentially increase your libido or improve erectile function.

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What is natural Viagra for men?

The term “natural Viagra” is a bit of a misnomer. Viagra (also known by its generic name sildenafil) is a prescription medication made in a lab, so anything that claims to be “natural Viagra” should give you pause. But, generally, when people (perhaps yourself included) are interested in “natural Viagra,” they’re looking for natural, over-the-counter supplements or ingredients that can help treat their ED. 

How does prescription Viagra treat ED? Understanding that can help us better understand which natural alternatives have more backing behind them. 

Viagra is one of a class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors. These drugs work by blocking an enzyme called PDE5, thereby keeping blood in the penis and allowing the penis to get and stay erect. 

Natural Viagra supplements make similar claims. But, like all supplements, those claiming to be a form of herbal Viagra aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means you can't be sure of their purity or strength. Not only could these products be ineffective, they could also be dangerous for some people. 

However, some natural remedies for ED have shown promise in early scientific studies. Let’s examine some of the most common supplements and whether they carry any weight when treating ED. 

8 natural alternatives to Viagra 

If you’re looking for a drug-free ED remedy, there are some supplements and herbs that may mimic the effects of their prescription counterpart, Viagra.

1. Horny goat weed

Horny goat weed is a medicinal herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat fatigue and low libido

Some animal studies suggest horny goat weed might help address ED by improving erections. Horny goat weed contains icariin, a mild inhibitor of PDE5, which is how Viagra works

However, studies on the effects of icariin have only been conducted on animals and petri dishes, meaning it might not work the same way in the human body. There are currently no clinical trials on horny goat weed's effect on ED in humans.

2. Korean red ginseng

Korean ginseng (also called Panax ginseng) has been touted as an ED treatment for years, and unlike some other natural alternatives to Viagra, studies have found it may actually be effective at alleviating symptoms of ED. 

In a meta-analysis involving over 2,000 men with ED, researchers reported that red ginseng improved erectile function in participants. While results are promising, authors of the study did caution that more studies are needed before widely recommending red ginseng as the next herbal Viagra.

3. Yohimbe

Yohimbe is a dietary supplement made from the bark of an African evergreen tree. Yohimbine, the active ingredient in yohimbe bark, is a common ingredient in supplements sold as aphrodisiacs and male sexual enhancers. 

A 2021 review of studies indicated that yohimbine was superior to placebo for the treatment of ED.  The benefits, if any, of Yohimbine was most substantial, when combined with other treatments. 


One of the causes of ED is low testosterone. Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA for short, is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands, which sit atop the kidneys. In our bodies, DHEA is a building block for the production of testosterone, so there’s some thought that taking DHEA could improve ED symptoms. 

The research isn’t so clear, though. While some studies suggest DHEA supplements might have positive effects, most show no real impact on sexual function. 

5. L-citrulline and L-arginine

Some researchers believe that L-arginine, an amino acid, can cause blood vessels to relax similarly to how Viagra works, though human studies have been small thus far. L-citrulline is the precursor of L-arginine, meaning it gets converted into L-arginine in the body. 

One review study including 540 participants found that there was potential for L-arginine to help with ED, particularly in men who would benefit from increased nitric oxide synthesis. 

6. Pygnogenol

Pygnogenol is a proprietary extract from the bark of a tree native to France, called the Pinus pinaster. While there have only been a couple of small studies done to evaluate the effectiveness of this herbal supplement, results are promising so far. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and seems to improve erections by ramping up vasodilation and nitric oxide production when taken in combination with L-arginine.  

7. Tribulus terrestris

This medicinal plant found in male herbal sexual health products has been used in Ayurvedic and other traditional medicinal systems for thousands of years. But does it work? According to animal studies, it might help with erectile function, though we don’t know how that translates to humans. 

8. Saffron

Saffron, aka Crocus sativus, has mixed reviews when it comes to improving erectile function, but one meta-analysis concluded it does have potential positive effects. As with just about every other “natural Viagra” option on this list, more research is needed before you consider trying herbal supplements as an alternative to Viagra. 

Other Viagra alternatives

If natural alternatives to Viagra aren’t for you, there are other options to help with ED.

Medical devices

Several medical devices can be helpful for ED, including penis pumps and cock rings. A penis pump works by drawing blood into the penis, giving you harder erections. A cock ring is placed around the base of the penis (or around the penis and testicles) to keep blood from flowing out once it’s entered. This can help erections stay firm and last longer, though you should be careful they aren’t so tight that they could cause damage to the penis or overlying skin. 

Penis implants—which include a rod, semi-rigid implant, or one that can be inflated before sex—are also options. These devices need to be surgically implanted and are typically reserved for extreme cases of ED.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes like exercising regularly, eating a heart-healthy diet, and avoiding copious levels of alcohol and smoking (both of which can damage blood vessels and nerves that produce a healthy erection) can also help with ED. Regardless of whether you’re taking Viagra or a natural alternative to Viagra, these lifestyle changes can have a significant effect on your ability to get and maintain an erection.

Other erectile dysfunction medications

If prescription Viagra isn’t the right option for you, so-called “herbal Viagra” supplements aren’t your only choices to treat ED. Other PDE5 inhibitors, like Cialis (tadalafil) and vardenafil may be a better fit for you. Non-oral ED medications like alprostadil, which is injected into the penis or placed in the urethra as a suppository, are another option. 

If low testosterone is the cause of your ED, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be successful at treating your ED. TRT comes as a patch, gel, or injection for those with low testosterone who are determined to need it under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

When it comes to natural alternatives to Viagra, you have options. But before taking any supplements that claim to treat ED, speak with a healthcare provider. They can help rule out any serious underlying medical condition that may cause ED and develop a safe and effective treatment plan for you.


If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The articles on Health Guide are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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  • Stanislavov, R. & Nikolova, V. (2003). Treatment of erectile dysfunction with pycnogenol and L-arginine. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 29(3), 207-213. doi: 10.1080/00926230390155104. Retrieved on Oct. 14, 2024 from

  • Walther, A. & Seuffert, J. (2020). Testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone treatment in ageing men: Are we all set?. The World Journal of Men's Health, 38(2), 178–190. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.190006. Retrieved from

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Every article on Health Guide goes through rigorous fact-checking by our team of medical reviewers. Our reviewers are trained medical professionals who ensure each article contains the most up-to-date information, and that medical details have been correctly interpreted by the writer.

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Current version

October 14, 2024

Written by

Michael Martin

Fact checked by

Peter Schlegel, MD and Raagini Yedidi, MD

About the medical reviewers

Peter Schlegel, MD, FACS, is a Ro Advisor, board-certified urologist, and internationally acclaimed expert in the treatment of male fertility. For nearly 20 years, Dr. Schlegel served as the chair of Urology at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell. He now focuses on providing the best patient care possible for urologic conditions through his private practice.

Raagini Yedidi, MD, is an internal medicine resident and medical reviewer for Ro.