Cost, pricing, & services

Common questions

In most cases, your online visit is free.

The cost of your treatment depends on the type and amount of product or medication you receive. Please visit the Pricing page to get more information.

You’re only charged for the medication after a doctor or nurse practitioner has approved a personalized treatment plan.

Services, products, and medications offered through Ro are not covered by insurance.

You can easily pause or cancel your order by visiting our Contact Us page.

  • Turn off automatic shipping: You can stop future orders from shipping automatically by turning off your auto-refill.

  • Delay shipping: You can change your automatic shipment date by delaying your auto-refill.

  • Cancel a processing order: If your order is currently processing, please contact us as soon as possible. Our Care Team will try to assist you as quickly as possible.

  • Cancel a shipped order: Once your order is shipped, we cannot return it. But if you believe there's been an error in filling your prescription, please contact us. Our Care Team is happy to assist you.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns of prescription products for reuse or resale, and all sales are final. However, if you feel we have made an error in the filling of your prescription, please contact us.

Signatures are not required upon delivery, for the convenience of our members.

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email link to track your shipment.

Orders are only able to be shipped on weekdays; orders placed after 5:00 PM will ship the next day.

We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal. Additionally, if you are using your phone or tablet to sign up, we accept Google Pay and Apple Pay. Please note: Google Pay is only available when using an eligible device and Google Chrome as your internet browser. Apple Pay is only available when using an eligible device and Safari as your internet browser

We do not accept HSA/FSA cards at this time. However, you can always submit a detailed receipt after your purchase to your healthcare provider.