Rachel Sacks

Rachel Sacks is a New York-based freelance writer and editor with over 10 years of experience writing about health and wellness, e-commerce, women’s lifestyle topics, and more. She also works with independent brands to tell their stories with concise and engaging marketing copy.

An avid cyclist and former athlete, she loves taking a deeper dive into health topics, answering medical questions we might be too embarrassed to ask, and separating fact from fiction to bring peace of mind to a reader. When not writing, she may be on a bike ride, exploring the city, reading, or fighting the urge to take home every dog she sees.

She graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Architecture History. Her work has appeared in places like Healthline, SheKnows, and local sites like bayarea.com with a focus on feature and editorial writing, copywriting, and content marketing.