Ro launches the GLP-1 Insurance Coverage Checker

Tool empowers patients to learn if they have insurance coverage for GLP-1 medications

August 13, 2024 – Ro, the leading direct-to-patient healthcare company, today launched the GLP-1 Insurance Coverage Checker, a free tool to help people find out if their insurance covers treatment with GLP-1 medications. This new, easy-to-use online tool delivers a personalized report detailing their insurance coverage for GLP-1 medications (e.g. Ozempic, Wegovy, Zepbound), estimated copay and/or out-of-pocket costs, the latest drug supply data, and information about options available through Ro.

“Understanding your insurance coverage and out of pocket costs before you’re treated should be table stakes in healthcare. Unfortunately, it’s not and it’s near impossible for patients to be able to get this information without going to the doctor’s office or, even later in the journey, to their pharmacy,” said Zachariah Reitano, Co-founder and CEO of Ro. “The GLP-1 Insurance Checker makes it easy for patients to find out what their insurance policy covers at the beginning of their journey, for free, so they can determine the best next step for them.” 

By entering basic insurance information through the online tool, anyone can get a personalized report detailing coverage, cost, and drug supply information across multiple GLP-1 medications. The report also offers actionable next steps for patients to decide what’s best for them, whether that be seeking care through Ro or by sharing the report with their provider. Each patient’s report is unique as coverage varies from plan to plan and drug to drug. This tool saves significant time and stress typically associated with determining insurance coverage. 

This tool was born out of Ro’s history of fighting for patients, including its efforts to simplify insurance navigation and approvals, helping patients maximize treatment access and get the best possible coverage. Since launching its Body Program, Ro has conducted tens of thousands of benefits verifications for patients nationwide. Insights from those benefits checks reveal:

  • More patients have coverage than you’d think: Close to half of patients (47%) have coverage of GLP-1s for weight loss and, of those, most have coverage of more than one medication;  

  • Most covered patients pay less than $100/month: Among those with coverage for weight loss, about two-thirds have copays of $100 or less per month, and 40% pay $50 or less; 

  • Insurers are putting up roadblocks to help patients: Among those with coverage for weight loss, 90% have a policy requiring prior authorization. 

“Understanding insurance coverage is a critical step to determining the best possible treatment option for each patient. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done,” said Dr. Melynda Barnes, Chief Medical Officer at Ro. “Today, the onus is on patients to know all the right questions to ask, jump through hoops, and find the right person from their insurer, doctor’s office, or pharmacy who can get them answers about their coverage. The GLP-1 Insurance Coverage Checker dramatically simplifies this process.”

The GLP-1 Coverage Checker is Ro’s latest effort to build tools and resources that help patients more easily access the weight loss treatment they need to effectively achieve their goals. In May, Ro launched the GLP-1 Supply Tracker to give patients insights on where there are GLP-1 drug shortages and help them find supply with real-time, localized alerts. To date, the GLP-1 Supply Tracker has generated more than 50,000 crowdsourced shortage reports and thousands of supply reports, data which Ro has shared with the FDA.

To receive your personalized insurance coverage report, visit the GLP-1 Insurance Coverage Checker:

About Ro

Ro is a direct-to-patient healthcare company with a mission of helping patients achieve their health goals by delivering the easiest, most effective care possible. Ro is the only company to offer nationwide telehealth, labs, and pharmacy services. This is enabled by Ro's vertically integrated platform that helps patients achieve their goals through a convenient, end-to-end healthcare experience spanning from diagnosis, to delivery of medication, to ongoing care. Since 2017, Ro has helped millions of patients in nearly every single county in the United States, including 98% of primary care deserts. Visit for more information.