7 foods that help you stay erect 

Reviewed by Chimene Richa, MD, 

Written by Anna Brooks 

Reviewed by Chimene Richa, MD, 

Written by Anna Brooks 

last updated: Sep 08, 2022

6 min read

There are many safe and effective treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED), including erectile dysfunction pills, penis pumps, cock rings, implants––you name it. But, if you’re looking for an alternative to ED medication to improve your sex life, you might wonder if there are foods that help you stay erect. The answer is complicated: yes and no. 

Maintaining a diet that supports a healthy heart and improves blood flow can bolster your erections. Food alone won’t work the same way medications like Viagra do, but a healthy diet may help prevent diseases that can contribute to sexual dysfunction

If you have erectile dysfunction or want to improve your sexual performance, these foods may help you have better erections and a more satisfying sex life.

Ro Sparks

Harder erections, faster than Viagra/Cialis


Can foods help erectile dysfunction? 

While no one food instantly fixes erectile dysfunction (ED), long-term dietary choices play an essential role in helping you get an erection. ED is a complex condition that makes it hard to get or keep an erection long enough for satisfying sex. 

Erections are all about blood flow; if you notice you’re not getting as hard as you used to or can’t maintain an erection, it could indicate a more significant issue with blood flow in your body. Sometimes, the problem is with the blood vessels that carry blood to your penis; studies have found a link between atherosclerosis (plaque buildup on artery walls) and ED (Tsujimura, 2017). 

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity are all risk factors for atherosclerosis commonly seen in people with ED (Ibrahim, 2018). Eating a diet high in added sugars, trans fats, and processed foods contributes to these health issues (and increases the likelihood of erection problems) (Selvin, 2007).

Other times, heart problems make blood flow to the penis less effective, preventing optimal erections. Avoiding foods that contribute to heart disease and staying focused on maintaining a heart-healthy diet may help with ED, too.

And while there isn’t much research on specific foods helping prevent ED, some vitamins and amino acids like folic acid and L-arginine have been shown to increase blood flow and may improve erectile strength for some people (Zhang, 2021). 

Best food for erectile dysfunction

Foods that stimulate blood flow or increase testosterone production may help support your sexual health and curb erection problems like ED. Here are eight of the best foods for erectile dysfunction.

1. Tomatoes

Red and pink fruits like tomatoes and watermelon are full of lycopene, a natural antioxidant that gives ruby-colored foods their rich hues. Nutrients like these may prevent erectile problems by lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease and reducing oxidative stress, which is prominent in diabetes (another contributor to ED). 

One study in diabetic rats evaluated lycopene as a treatment for ED and found that it may help (Gao, 2012). While more research is necessary to determine if these results would also apply to humans, adding lycopene-rich foods to your diet won’t hurt. 

Tomatoes, in particular, are a great source of lycopene, which is also linked to better sperm production. Research suggests that eating tomatoes may lower the risk of prostate cancer and support overall sexual health (Xu, 2016). Other foods rich in lycopene include pink grapefruit, papaya, and guava.

2. Leafy greens

There’s evidence that low levels of folic acid (vitamin B9) are associated with moderate to severe erectile dysfunction. Many people who experience ED or premature ejaculation may be lacking in folic acid (Karabaken, 2016; Yan, 2014). 

And while we currently only have animal studies to prove it, research has found that giving rabbits with diabetes folic acid improved their erectile function (Shukla, 2008).

Foods with the highest amounts of folate include asparagus, spinach, and brussels sprouts. Other good sources of folic acid include (NIH, 2021):

  • Eggs

  • Beans

  • Grains

  • Nuts

  • Poultry

  • Dairy products 

3. Peppers

Cayenne, jalapeño, and chili peppers all contain capsaicin,  the ingredient that gives spicy peppers their heat. Capsaicin is a highly useful compound with many folk medicinal uses like treating arthritis pain, healing wounds, and even restoring hair health (Basith, 2016). 

But what does the science show? One small study comparing intraurethral capsaicin injections (injections of a capsaicin solution directly into the urethra) to a placebo found that the spicy-hot chemical improved erectile function for those men. Still, we wouldn’t recommend injecting hot sauce into your penis just yet (Lazzeri, 1994). 

Eating sweet peppers (like bell peppers) might be a better idea. They’re full of antioxidants called flavonoids that support heart health and circulation. Flavonoids may also be associated with fewer erectile problems. One study found that men who ate flavonoid-rich fruits had a 14% reduced risk of ED (Cassidy, 2016). 

Other dietary sources of flavonoids include tea, wine (not too much), apples, soybeans, onions, and cherries (Janabi, 2020).

4. Oysters and other omega-3s

Seafood (oysters in particular) have been labeled aphrodisiacs (a food that stimulates sexual desire). And while that may be an old wives’ tale, these foods are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are tied to many benefits for your heart and potentially libido (sex drive). One study found that these natural fatty acids improved erectile function in rats, although more research is needed (Shim, 2016). 

Shellfish also may aid sexual function due to their high zinc content. Zinc levels significantly affect testosterone, a hormone crucial to male sexual health.

5. Nuts 

A handful of nuts won’t solve all your problems, but research suggests regular nut consumption may help you stay erect.

Nuts contain high amounts of L-arginine, an amino acid used to make nitric oxide. This gas plays a critical role in getting and maintaining erections by relaxing smooth muscles in the penis and letting blood flow in (Burnett, 2007). 

Studies suggest that supplementing a healthy diet (like the Mediterranean diet, for instance) with mixed nuts improves sexual function in men (Salas-Huetos, 2019). Walnuts, almonds, and pecans are all good options for heart-healthy nuts.

6. Coffee

We know that caffeine has benefits like improving blood flow. And as you’ve gathered from this article, better blood flow equals better erections. So does that mean a cup of caffeinated coffee is the missing link? Maybe, maybe not.

Researchers have found some connections between caffeine intake and ED. In one study, men who drank around 2–3 cups of coffee a day (a caffeine intake of 170–375 mg) had lower rates of ED. That said, the evidence wasn’t super clear, and the results didn’t hold true for people with diabetes (Lopez, 2015). 

Don’t expect your healthcare provider to write you a prescription for a cappuccino any time soon.

7. Dark chocolate

Moderation definitely applies to this one, but yes, dark chocolate is among foods that may help you get an erection. 

Remember flavonoids? These antioxidants are linked to a reduced risk of ED and aren’t limited to fruits and vegetables. Believe it or not, cocoa has one of the highest flavonoid contents of any food (Katz, 2011). 

That means products that contain cocoa (like dark chocolate) may support sexual function. There’s a catch with this one, though: you have to choose chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa to reap any benefits. Milk and white chocolate are high in fat and added sugars, which can lead to negative health outcomes.

Worst foods for erectile dysfunction

If there’s a list of the best foods for erectile dysfunction, there’s also a list of the worst. A poor diet on its own is unlikely to cause ED, but it is also a risk factor for medical conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction. 

Here are some of the worst foods for erectile dysfunction:

  • Fried foods: Sadly, some of the best-tasting foods are the worst for us. Trans and saturated fats found in many fried and processed foods up the levels of “bad” cholesterol. Eating too much unhealthy fats also contribute to atherosclerosis, impacting blood flow to the penis (Monguchi, 2017). 

  • Foods with added sugar: The trick with sugar is to get it from whole, natural sources like fruit. Consuming too many sweet drinks and foods with added sugar can wreak havoc on blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can speed up the progression of atherosclerosis and lead to other health conditions like diabetes that can harm blood vessels and nerves crucial for getting and maintaining an erection (Aronson, 2002). 

  • Alcohol: Many people have erection problems after too much alcohol. Chronic drinking messes with testosterone levels and blood circulation. Lots of people have experienced the effects of one drink too many on their sexual performance, a condition aptly named “whiskey dick.” Alcohol may have additional side effects that impact sexual health, like lowering sex drive or contributing to premature ejaculation (Arackal, 2007).

Lifestyle habits to improve sexual health

Along with healthy eating, there are a number of lifestyle changes you can implement to alleviate ED. Here are some things that are good for erections and have overall health benefits:

There are no magic foods guaranteed to give you better erections. However, a balanced diet does lower the chances of developing conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, which are known to play a role in erectile function.

Eating heart-healthy foods and adopting lifestyle habits like the ones above are all steps you can take to support overall health and achieve a more satisfying sex life.


If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The articles on Health Guide are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Every article on Health Guide goes through rigorous fact-checking by our team of medical reviewers. Our reviewers are trained medical professionals who ensure each article contains the most up-to-date information, and that medical details have been correctly interpreted by the writer.

Current version

September 08, 2022

Written by

Anna Brooks

Fact checked by

Chimene Richa, MD

About the medical reviewer

Dr. Richa is a board-certified Ophthalmologist and medical writer for Ro.