Eddie by Giddy: does the Eddie really work?

5 min read

Written by: 

Linnea Zielinski

Reviewed by: 

Chimene Richa, MD

Updated:  Feb 07, 2022

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Unfortunately, shopping for a device to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) isn’t as simple as shopping for shoes. As long as you get the right size, the chances are the shoes will work as they should—but that isn’t always the case when it comes to  ED devices. 

There’s more to the process of finding an ED device that works for you than whether or not the device fits (although that’s certainly a consideration). If you’ve done your research on potential treatments for erectile dysfunction, you might have come across the Eddie by Giddy.  But from gas station “male enhancement” pills to snake oil promises to cure ED, you may be wondering–does the Eddie really work? Here’s what you need to know about improving your erections with Eddie by Giddy.

Ro Sparks

Harder erections, faster than Viagra/Cialis


What is Eddie by Giddie? 

Eddie is a device made by Giddy to treat ED.

Giddy reports that their device was developed with the help of urologists and ED specialists and can be used to support the natural process of getting an erection. Unlike prescription medications like sildenafil (brand name Viagra), Eddie is available over-the-counter (OTC), meaning you don’t need a prescription to order one. 

Viagra Important Safety Information: Read more about serious warnings and safety info.

How does Eddie work? 

Eddie by Giddy looks a bit like a horseshoe that wraps around the base of the penis—almost like a cock ring with an opening on one side. After the Eddie is positioned around the base of the penis, tension bands are wrapped around the open ends to apply pressure to the penis.

During an erection, blood vessels in the penis open up, increasing blood flow into the penis. That influx of blood is what creates a hard erection. At the same time, blood vessels that normally take blood away from the penis get compressed, trapping blood inside the penis, so your erection stays hard.

With erectile dysfunction, people may find it more difficult to get or keep an erection for long enough to have satisfying sex. Certain medical conditions make you more likely to experience ED, especially ones that affect blood flow like high blood pressure and diabetes (Selvin, 2007).

Benefits of Eddie by Giddy

Eddie is an alternative erectile dysfunction treatment option for people who want to try a non-drug option for ED. The device mimics the natural erection process by allowing blood to flow into the penis but not out. Giddy also claims that their Eddie device was designed to avoid constricting the urethra (the tube that carries urine and semen out of your penis), allowing for a more natural and satisfying ejaculation than traditional cock rings.

Giddy reviews: does Eddie work?

Overall, reviews are mixed. Eddie by Giddy has an average rating of 2.8 out of 5 stars on the website Trustpilot and 3.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon. But most reviewers give the device either a one- or five-star rating. 

The most common complaint is that buying the right size Eddie is a challenge. Even some people who left five-star reviews mentioned sizing issues. Those who found the right size report that aside from difficulties getting the tension band onto the device, it worked as promised and helped them maintain an erection.

These complaints are valid because when it comes to this ED device, size matters. If the device is too small or too big, it won’t work. Giddy does offer a “size insurance guarantee” that allows people to swap their device if they order the incorrect size. The company actively responds to reviews to help those not satisfied with their results, and their most common suggestion is that the customer try a different size. 

After continued use, the device stretches out, which means it applies less pressure and becomes less effective over time. Giddy recommends replacing your device every six months to avoid this issue.

What are the risks of using Eddie by Giddy? 

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition, affecting more than 50 million men in the United States. The most effective treatment for ED available is a class of medications called PDE-5 inhibitors, like Viagra (Sooriyamoorthy, 2022).

These drugs work by increasing the amount of blood flow into your penis, helping you get (and keep) an erection. Since Viagra was first launched in 1998, other similar drugs were developed, including vardenafil (brand name Levitra), avanafil (brand name Stendra), and tadalafil (brand name Cialis). 

Cialis Important Safety Information: Read more about serious warnings and safety info.

PDE-5 inhibitors are incredibly successful at treating erectile dysfunction. Each drug differs in terms of how quickly it goes into effect and how long the effects last, which means certain ED drugs might be more suited to your lifestyle than others. If a healthcare provider determines it’s right for you, we offer many ED medications sent directly to your home.

However, not everyone is a candidate for ED medication. Here are some alternative non-drug options to treat erectile dysfunction: 

Penis pumps

Penis pumps (vacuum constriction devices or VCDs) use an electric or hand-powered pump to draw blood into the penis. Once the penis is erect, the user slides a retaining band to the base of the penis, keeping blood in the shaft. 

Cock rings

Cock rings are more effective at maintaining an erection than helping you get one. They don’t draw blood into the penis the way vacuum pumps do, but they do apply pressure to the base of the penis, holding the blood inside the shaft for the duration of use. 

Penis implants

Penile implants may be used to treat ED if you’ve had an injury, hormonal issue, or if medications didn’t work for you. Depending on the device, at least 75% of people with penis implants are satisfied with the results (Polchert, 2021).  

Shock wave therapy

Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT)—also called shock wave therapy or acoustic wave therapy—is a newer treatment for ED. Research on how well it works has shown mixed results. 

LI-ESWT therapy uses shock waves to create small scars in penis tissue to stimulate healing and improve blood flow and potentially leading to stronger erections. One meta-analysis found that men who underwent LI-ESWT therapy experienced improved erections, although the studies didn’t compare the therapy to medications (Dong, 2019). 

One small clinical trial showed that following LI-ESWT treatment, participants had improved penile blood flow for up to one month, but not all studies found similar results. Another study that evaluated shock wave therapy didn’t find any clinically significant improvements in people with ED (Lurz, 2020; Fojecki, 2017).

Over the counter ED medication

While there are some non-prescription over-the-counter (OTC) options for improving erectile function, research isn’t conclusive on how effective they are. 

An herbal supplement called horny goat weed contains a compound that works similarly to ED drugs. Another herb, Yohimbe, seems to be effective in people with mild cases of ED. Other natural remedies, including Korean ginseng and an amino acid called L-citrulline, have shown promise in treating ED, but more research is needed (Cormio, 2011; Borrelli, 2018).

You should avoid any products or companies that offer ED medications without a prescription, such as OTC Viagra. The FDA requires a prescription for all brand-name and generic ED drugs because they come with potentially dangerous side effects and drug interactions. 

Viagra is one of the most frequently counterfeited drugs in the world. Pfizer, the company that makes Viagra, found substances such as printer ink, metronidazole (an antibiotic), and amphetamines (“speed”) when they analyzed counterfeit pills being sold as Viagra (Pfizer, n.d.).

Eddie by Giddy is one of many ED treatment options, and many factors contribute to how effective Eddie by Giddy is for each individual user. If you have concerns about your erectile function, you can get a free online consultation with a healthcare provider with Ro today. 


If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The articles on Health Guide are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Current version

February 07, 2022

Written by

Linnea Zielinski

Fact checked by

Chimene Richa, MD

About the medical reviewer

Dr. Richa is a board-certified Ophthalmologist and medical writer for Ro.