Does semaglutide need to be refrigerated?

8 min read

Written by: 

Patricia Weiser, PharmD

Reviewed by: 

Raagini Yedidi, MD

Updated:  Jan 26, 2025

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Reviewed By

Raagini Yedidi, MD

Raagini Yedidi, MD, is an internal medicine resident and medical reviewer for Ro.

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Key takeaways

  • Refrigeration is important for injectable semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) before use. After opening, Ozempic can be stored at room temperature for up to 56 days. Wegovy stays good at room temperature for up to 28 days.

  • Oral semaglutide (Rybelsus) doesn’t need refrigeration and should be kept at room temperature (68°F–77°F).

  • Compounded semaglutide may have a shorter shelf life compared to FDA-approved versions and should be stored according to the instructions provided by the compounding pharmacy.

  • Avoid using expired semaglutide, as it may lose its effectiveness and could carry unwanted risks.

Here's what we'll cover

Here's what we'll cover

Key takeaways

  • Refrigeration is important for injectable semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) before use. After opening, Ozempic can be stored at room temperature for up to 56 days. Wegovy stays good at room temperature for up to 28 days.

  • Oral semaglutide (Rybelsus) doesn’t need refrigeration and should be kept at room temperature (68°F–77°F).

  • Compounded semaglutide may have a shorter shelf life compared to FDA-approved versions and should be stored according to the instructions provided by the compounding pharmacy.

  • Avoid using expired semaglutide, as it may lose its effectiveness and could carry unwanted risks.

If you’re starting semaglutide or considering it, you probably have questions about adding a new medication to your routine. One practical question is, “does semaglutide need to be refrigerated?” The short answer: It depends on the form you’re prescribed. Injectable forms of semaglutide, such as Ozempic and Wegovy, are typically kept in the fridge before the first use. Oral semaglutide (aka brand-name Rybelsus) can be stored at room temperature. 

Like other medications, proper storage is important for keeping semaglutide working safely and effectively. Here, we’ll cover how to do it right to make sure your medication works as intended for weight loss or type 2 diabetes.

Ozempic Important Safety Information: Read more about serious warnings and safety info.

Wegovy Important Safety Information: Read more about serious warnings and safety info.

Does semaglutide need to be refrigerated?

Yes, unopened injectable semaglutide products should be refrigerated, according to Novo Nordisk, manufacturer of Ozempic and Wegovy. The aforementioned drugs should be stored in the fridge at 36°F–46°F to ensure the ingredients don’t degrade. This helps preserve the medication and maintains its stability and purity until it’s time to inject your dose. If necessary, however, Wegovy can be kept at room temperature for up to 28 days.

Ozempic and Wegovy come as liquid solutions in prefilled injector pens. Most injectable medications are stored in refrigerated conditions to maintain their more vulnerable chemical properties. 

Pharmacies tend to store Ozempic and Wegovy in refrigerators before dispensing them, and it’s recommended that patients do the same at home until opening the medications. 

Ozempic pens contain multiple doses. Once opened, Ozempic can stay at room temperature (59°F–86°F) for up to 56 days. Wegovy pens, on the other hand, each contain a single dose. As mentioned above, Wegovy can stay at room temperature for up to 28 days.

Rybelsus, an oral tablet form of semaglutide, doesn’t need refrigeration at all. Just keep it in a cool, dry place at room temperature (68°F–77°F), and you’re good to go. If necessary, you can temporarily store Rybelsus at lower or higher temps for a short time, such as when you’re running errands on your way home from the pharmacy—as long as the temperature is 59°F–86°F. Keeping Rybelsus in its original bottle helps protect the tablets from moisture. 

Always follow the specific instructions on your medication label, and if you’re ever unsure, check with your pharmacist.

How long does semaglutide last in the fridge?

When unopened and stored properly in the fridge, semaglutide injections approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can last in the fridge for quite a while—up until the expiration date printed on the box

Novo Nordisk assigns a two-year (24-month) expiration date to Ozempic and Wegovy. This means the ingredients do not expire (i.e. should remain effective and stable) for at least two years after the date of manufacture, assuming the medications remain sealed, unopened, and stored in proper conditions.

You may notice that the expiration date printed on your Ozempic or Wegovy box is less than two years away, though. This is because manufacturing and dispensing don’t happen on the same day. Pharmacies typically put an expiration date of one year (or less, such as in Pennsylvania) on the prescription label. Always check the expiration date printed on the box or pens to determine how long semaglutide will last in the fridge.

After you take Ozempic or Wegovy pens out of the refrigerator or open them, the printed expiration dates may no longer apply. Instead, you’ll need to follow the product-specific storage recommendations for Ozempic or Wegovy (details below). As for Rybelsus, since it’s an oral medication, it doesn’t need refrigeration and can be stored at room temperature.

Be sure to properly dispose of expired semaglutide after the recommended storage period, no matter what it looks like. Using the drug after this timeframe may compromise its effectiveness and safety. 

To dispose of unused or expired semaglutide—including Ozempic, Wegovy, and Rybelsus— check for local drug take-back programs or collection sites that accept injectable and/or oral medications. Some pharmacies have convenient drop-off boxes available. When it comes to Ozempic and Wegovy, you can also use an FDA-cleared sharps container for safe disposal of pens and needles. 

How long does compounded semaglutide last in the fridge?

It depends on which type of compounding pharmacy made the compounded semaglutide. 

While manufactured forms of semaglutide (e.g. Ozempic, Wegovy) come with an expiration date, compounded semaglutide typically comes with a beyond-use date (BUD). Similar to an expiration date, a BUD is the date after which a compounded medication is no longer considered safe or effective to use, based on factors such as preparation method, ingredients, and storage conditions. 

For compounded semaglutide made in pharmacies that conduct rigorous stability testing, it may last up to 120 days in the fridge from the day it was compounded. When made in compounding pharmacies that use less rigorous stability testing or rely on external data to determine stability, the BUD will be shorter, generally 14–28 days, to make sure it stays safe and effective. 

The specific BUD will be listed on the prescription label, and the medication should remain safe and effective until that date if properly stored. If you’re unsure about the date or proper storage, contact the pharmacy directly for clarification.

How long can semaglutide stay out of the fridge?

Ozempic and Wegovy can both handle some time out of the fridge:

Since Rybelsus doesn’t need to be refrigerated, it can stay out of the fridge for as long as it remains within its expiration date. Just make sure you’re keeping it at room temperature, away from excessive heat or humidity. 

Leaving semaglutide out of the fridge for too long, though, can cause it to degrade. This could make the drug less effective for managing blood sugar and weight. The last thing you want to do is waste expensive medication or have it not work properly, so it’s important to stick to the recommended semaglutide storage guidelines.

Ozempic comes as a prefilled pen and contains up to four doses per pen. Here are the recommended storage guidelines for Ozempic:

  • Store unused Ozempic in the refrigerator (36°F–46°F), where it stays good until its labeled expiration date. 

  • Do not keep Ozempic pens right next to the cooling element in your fridge, which is usually located at the top or in the back. Similarly, do not freeze Ozempic.

  • Once you start using it, you can store your Ozempic pen in the refrigerator or at room temperature (59°F–86°F) for up to 56 days. 

  • Keep the cap on your Ozempic pen between uses, and always use a new needle for each dose.

Wegovy comes as a prefilled, single-dose pen with the following recommended storage guidelines:

  • Store unused Wegovy in the refrigerator (36°F– 46°F), where it stays good until its labeled expiration date.

  • If necessary, you can store unused Wegovy at room temperature (59°F–86°F) for up to 28 days. 

  • Keep the pen cap on until you're ready to use it. Wegovy comes as a sterile solution, but removing the cap can introduce germs, which may increase the risk of infection.

  • Do not use Wegovy that has been left out of the refrigerator for over 28 days, frozen, or exposed to temperatures higher than 86°F.

To recap, the chart below summarizes the basic storage guidelines for semaglutide. 

If you forget the details, don’t worry. The storage requirements can be easily found in the prescribing information, on the box, in the enclosed product instructions, and on the Novo Nordisk website. 

Does semaglutide expire? 

Yes, semaglutide can expire. 

For both Ozempic and Wegovy, the expiration date is 24 months from the date of manufacture as long as the medication is refrigerated (36°F–46°F). The expiration date is printed on the product packaging. After its expiration date, the medication may not work as well for weight loss, weight maintenance, or blood sugar control. 

Expiration dates are set based on stability data provided by the manufacturer to ensure the medication remains safe and effective when stored under the recommended conditions. In other words, the manufacturer guarantees that their drug remains fully potent and safe up until its expiration date, as long as it remains sealed and properly stored. After that date, it may still be safe and effective, but there is not enough evidence to support beyond that timeframe.  

As mentioned, for compounded semaglutide, there’s no set or official expiration date—just a BUD, which is usually shorter than for FDA-approved meds. The BUD is set by the pharmacy and reflects how long the compounded medication is guaranteed to remain safe and effective.

What happens if you use expired semaglutide?

Using expired semaglutide is most likely not a good idea. While we don’t have specific studies looking at the use of expired semaglutide, it’s generally accepted that expired medications become less effective over time. Additionally, while there are no known toxic effects from expired semaglutide, using degraded medications can sometimes lead to increased risks due to contamination or breakdown of chemical components. 

 Some research has shown that some medications can retain their potency well beyond their labeled expiration dates. For example, a study found that two-thirds of tested expired drugs maintained stability for months or even years after expiration. Solid medications (such as Rybelsus tablets) can retain potency for years if properly stored. But liquid formulations, like injectable semaglutide products, are less stable and likely to degrade more quickly when exposed to heat, humidity, or freezing conditions. If semaglutide appears cloudy or discolored or has visible particles, don’t even think about using it; these changes may be a sign of degradation or contamination. 

Some Reddit users have posted about using improperly stored or expired semaglutide and reported no immediate issues. But that doesn’t mean it’s safe to do so, even if the medication looks clear. Always check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before using expired medication, as the consequences can vary depending on how it was stored and how far it’s past the expiration date. Chances are, they will simply tell you not to use it.

Overall, expired medications can be less effective, and some may even cause unwanted effects due to the breakdown of their components. It’s safest to dispose of expired semaglutide and get a fresh supply if needed.

How to travel with semaglutide 

Traveling with semaglutide is definitely possible but requires some planning. 

If you're traveling with Ozempic or Wegovy, make sure to keep them in their original packaging and bring along a cooler or insulated bag with gel ice packs to keep them cool. Avoid using ice cubes, as freezing could damage the medication. When flying, keep the medication in your carry-on bag, as the cargo hold can expose your medication to extreme temperatures.

For road trips, use an insulated bag with ice packs, and avoid leaving your medication in the car for long periods—especially in hot weather or direct sunlight.

Rybelsus doesn’t need refrigeration, so it’s a lot easier to take on the go. Just store it in a cool, dry place and keep it in your carry-on bag to avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.

In any case, make sure you keep your medication in its labeled, original packaging to protect the medication from damage and comply with regulations. Consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider if you have specific questions about traveling with your medication.

Hear from Ro patients

Ro members taking branded GLP-1 medications were paid for their testimonials.

Bottom line

Properly storing your semaglutide medication is essential for getting the most out of your treatment. Whether you're using Ozempic, Wegovy, or Rybelsus, be sure to follow the recommended storage guidelines to keep your medication effective and safe. That being said, here’s a recap of the specifics we covered above:

  • Unopened injectable semaglutide—aka Ozempic and Wegovy—should be refrigerated and stored at 36°F–46°F. Once opened, you can keep your Ozempic pen in the fridge or room temperature; Wegovy, on the other hand, can be properly disposed of since it comes in a single-use pen. 

  • Rybelsus (i.e. oral semaglutide) does not need to be refrigerated, but should be kept at room temperature (68°F–77°F) and away from excessive heat or humidity.  

  • Like Ozempic and Wegovy, compounded semaglutide should also be refrigerated. Make sure to check the instructions of your specific compounded product as details (such as recommended temperatures) could vary depending on pharmacy.  

  • Check the date on your pharmacy label to determine how long your semaglutide will last. Like any other medication, semaglutide can expire.

  • For best results, avoid using expired semaglutide. Take care to store semaglutide properly, and don’t use improperly stored semaglutide (such as Ozempic pens left in the car). 

At the end of the day, though, remember this: If you ever have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pharmacist or healthcare provider. 

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If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The articles on Health Guide are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Every article on Health Guide goes through rigorous fact-checking by our team of medical reviewers. Our reviewers are trained medical professionals who ensure each article contains the most up-to-date information, and that medical details have been correctly interpreted by the writer.

Editorial Guidelines | Medical Review Process

Current version

January 26, 2025

Written by

Patricia Weiser, PharmD

Fact checked by

Raagini Yedidi, MD

About the medical reviewer

Raagini Yedidi, MD, is an internal medicine resident and medical reviewer for Ro.

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