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Care Delivery App

The Care Delivery App is designed to give providers super powers to help them deliver high-quality care. Rather than toggling across multiple systems, tracking down patient data, and dealing with administrative headaches, the Care Delivery App is a single destination for providers to effectively deliver, document, and monitor patient care. Whether counseling a patient, reviewing lab results, or making changes to a treatment plan, providers benefit from tools that surface the right information, offer timely reminders, and support the quality and safety of care. 

Ro's Care Delivery App at a glance

Explore the capabilities of the Care Delivery App

Patient Intake

Patients complete condition-specific online visits and treatment check-ins so that providers get the information they need on an ongoing basis – from a patient’s medical history, to their health goals, and progress. With more frequent touch points, providers can better counsel patients and further personalize their care.

Care Comms

A communications hub gives providers the ability to message, call, or video visit with their patients, while also displaying a patient's record, automatically flagging key clinical information, and even making messaging recommendations. This helps providers tailor responses to each patient’s needs.

Health Tasks

Providers can work more efficiently with smart task prioritization and routing programs that enable them to focus on the patient needs that matter most, when they matter most. These tools help providers and care teams unlock greater care coordination in service of more timely, high-quality care.